The elements of git

All about Procedure Linkage Table

Fixing Time.deltaTime in Unity 2020.2 for smoother gameplay: What did it take?

Issue #92


A Byte of Coding Issue #92
Privet peoples,
I spent most of the weekend working on the website for the newsletter. I added some of the quotes people wrote in last week, as well as a comment section for each newsletter issue (check out the Discuss Previous Issues link on the site). I also added stats about openings/clicks for each issue, that I'll update whenever a new issue is put out. I figured if I found it interesting, you might too. There's only really one more thing I want to add, which is relating to tags/search. If you have any recommendations, I'd be happy to hear them. Unrelated, if you haven't checked out the sponsor, I'd really appreciate it if you do. Sponsors enable me to keep allocating a substantial amount of time every week to curating and improving this newsletter. Thanks. Anyway here's that issue.

The elements of git

Published: 19 September 2021
Tags: git

You use git, I use git, your grandmother uses git. Everyone uses git. For good reason, it's very practical. How much do you know about git though? Could you contribue a new feature tomorrow? Hmm? Well if not, Gary Verhaegen has yet again written an informative article, this time on the internal workings of the git data model, which will help you "build up a correct intuition of what various git commands actually do under the hood".

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All about Procedure Linkage Table

Published: 19 September 2021
Tags: elf

Procedure linkage tables convert position-independent function calls to absolute locations. In this extensive article, Fangrui Song does a deep dive into procedure linkage table, covering their design and implementations in different architectures.

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Fixing Time.deltaTime in Unity 2020.2 for smoother gameplay: What did it take?

Published: 1 October 2020
Tags: unity

Yeah it's an old article, but get over it. The subject matter is cool. Who doesn't like seeing under-the-hood of videogames? Tautvydas Žilys's expansive article focuses on identifying and resolving a delta time (what normalizes movement in videogames for different framerates) error in the Unity game engine.

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A Byte of Coding · 750 Fowler St NW · Atlanta, GA 30332-1914 · USA

Stats (updated daily)

Sent: 1494

Opens: 560

Clicks: 333

Link Clicks Clicks % Unique Clicks Unique Clicks %
The elements of git 158 54.86% 127 54.04
All about Procedure Linkage Table 70 24.31% 58 24.68
Fixing Time.deltaTime in Unity 2020.2 for smoother gameplay: What did it take? 60 20.83% 50 21.28


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