Reconstructing TypeScript, part 1: bidirectional type checking

An Intro to JavaScript Proxy

Turing Oversold

Issue #91


A Byte of Coding Issue #91
Just like yesterday, would love to get a couple of more comments from you guys about your experience with the newsletter to put on the website, so please don't hestitate to write in with a comment and your name! In other news, the issue today turned out unintentionally JavaScript heavy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Now say it with me, here's! That! Issue! *audience applauds, cameras zoom out, host takes up spot at podium, 90s gameshow commences*

Reconstructing TypeScript, part 1: bidirectional type checking

Published: 15 September 2021
Tags: javascript

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, that includes compile time type checking (not runtime, unfortunately?), is written in itself, and compiles to plain ol' JavaScript. If you're familiar with it, you might've thought, how does it actually handle types? In this specific article of the series, Jake Donham implements bidirectional type checking via an AST, among other things.

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An Intro to JavaScript Proxy

Published: 15 September 2021
Tags: javascript

Mostly commonly in the software engineering world, a proxy can be thought of as a middleman between two points. This is pretty obvious in a networking environment, but how does it apply in JavaScript? In this thorough article, Travis Almand explores how a JavaScript proxy can be used to intercept an Object's functions, presenting "them as ways to extend some common JavaScript tasks with more control over data".

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Turing Oversold

Published: 14 September 2021
Tags: historical

Been a while since we've had a historical article. In this one, Jürgen Schmidhuber navigates the history of computers, illuminating the works of the giants whose shoulders Turing stood upon, underlining their substantial contribution to the creation of computers.

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Reconstructing TypeScript, part 1: bidirectional type checking 55 29.57% 46 28.93
An Intro to JavaScript Proxy 62 33.33% 54 33.96
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