Approaches for Building Real-Time ML Systems

Heterogenous Maps and Dynamic Case Classes in Scala 3

How Materialize and other databases optimize SQL subqueries

Issue #86


A Byte of Coding Issue #86
Anyone else get frustrated when you're having a discussion with someone on an unfamiliar topic and they litter their speech with technical jargon and acronyms? Maybe I just need to stamp ELI5 on my head (yeah, the irony is intentional). Fortunately our sponsor always explains it like you're five, so check them out (see what I did there?). Anyway here's the issue.

Approaches for Building Real-Time ML Systems

Published: 7 September 2021
Tags: machine learning

Using machine learning in real time is becoming more common place in every industry, from marketing to stock trading. It doesn't come without its own challenges though. In this insightful article, Ben Weber outlines the intricacies of implementing real-time machine learning garnered from his owned experiences.

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Heterogenous Maps and Dynamic Case Classes in Scala 3

Published: 7 September 2021
Tags: scala

With the release of Scala 3 come new features, among which is "Mirror, a new given type that can give you information about case classes". Mark's concise article explores the titular features that are required to programmatically generate new types and use them like normal case classes, with examples of implementations and detailed explanations.

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How Materialize and other databases optimize SQL subqueries

Published: 16 February 2021
Tags: sql

After writing SQL for a while, you start realizing that some queries take A LOT longer than others, especially when you're using CTEs or subqueries. Being a proponent of "do first, read later", I've just developed an intuitive feel. Well now I have an explantion, because Jamie Brandon explains the effect nested loops have on SQL queries, how other databases attempt to replace them, and a deep dive into the approaches of CockroachDB and Materialize.

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Link Clicks Clicks % Unique Clicks Unique Clicks %
Approaches for Building Real-Time ML Systems 61 38.13% 56 38.89
Heterogenous Maps and Dynamic Case Classes in Scala 3 27 16.88% 26 18.06
How Materialize and other databases optimize SQL subqueries 72 45.00% 62 43.06


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