Programming has gotten surprisingly hard. Building a simple form to POST data back to your API means wrangling with redux and thunks. Oh, and debouncing that submit button. Everything but solving the business problem. Retool is a new approach: we’ve unified the ease of visual programming with the power and flexibility of real code. Drag and drop a form together, and have it POST back to your API in minutes. Deploy instantly with access controls and audit logs. Allbirds uses Retool to measure billboard efficacy. Amazon uses Retool to handle GDPR requests. You, too, can use it to build business-critical applications fast.
Published: 20 May 2021 Tags: clojure
In programming, a zipper is "a wrapper that offers a variety of data manipulations". But zippers are an abstraction and come with their own complexity. Ivan Grishaev's eight part article traverses the basics of navigation, automatic navigation, XML zippers, XML search, editing, virtual trees, breadth-first traversal, and concludes with a summary.
Published: 13 July 2021 Tags: javascript, html, css
If you're looking to optimize your website's user experience, or SEO performance, the time it takes for a page to load is an essential criterion. One of the key factors affecting this stat is what Sia Karamalegos addresses in this titular article. Sia goes into the what, why, when, and how, thoroughly exposing render-blocking resources.
Published: 26 February 2021 Tags: ballerina
Ballerina is an open-source programming language for the cloud that specializes in using, combining, and creating network services, and has a "unique concurrency model that promotes efficient resource usage and provides an intuitive programming model for users". In this article, Anjana Fernando briefly describes how concurrency works in general, then in Ballerina, followed by an analysis of examples.