Exploring fff part 1 - main

Using the Platform

One Hundred Thousand Lines of Rust

Issue #84


A Byte of Coding Issue #84
Hello hello
Another beautiful Monday! I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I'm pretty excited this week because the newsletter got its first sponsor, and it's a company whose product I'm actually going to use, because I'm pretty tired of making DB dashboards. I'd really appreciate if you showed them some love by checking them out below.
PS. if you're a patreon supporter and you see something other than the three articles below, please let me know.

Today's Sponsor: Retool

Programming has gotten surprisingly hard. Building a simple form to POST data back to your API means wrangling with redux and thunks. Oh, and debouncing that submit button. Everything but solving the business problem.

Retool is a new approach: we’ve unified the ease of visual programming with the power and flexibility of real code. Drag and drop a form together, and have it POST back to your API in minutes. Deploy instantly with access controls and audit logs.

Allbirds uses Retool to measure billboard efficacy. Amazon uses Retool to handle GDPR requests. You, too, can use it to build business-critical applications fast.

Exploring fff part 1 - main

Published: 3 September 2021
Tags: bash

Bash scripting always feels cool. Plus it's super handy on any UNIX system. Well what better way to learn neat tricks and patterns than to dissect the code of an expert? DJ Adams digs into “a simple file manager written in Bash” by Dylan Araps called fff, inspecting every line and commenting on any intricacies.

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Using the Platform

Published: 3 September 2021
Tags: javascript

How feasible is it to build a site using purely vanilla javascript? What is it like to maintain or build on? Elise Hein's article illuminates the current state of building a site using pure vanilla javascript. Elise especially focuses on ES6 modules and Web Components.

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One Hundred Thousand Lines of Rust

Published: 5 September 2021
Tags: rust

If you start writing an application that somehow ends up being 10,000 or 100,000 lines of code, your earlier mistakes might come back to haunt you. An easy way to help reduce the chances of that is to learn from the mistakes of others! In this extensive series, Aleksey Kladov articulates the importance of an architecture file, highlights how integration and unit tests are implemented in Cargo, describes his approach to testing, brings forth tribal inline attribute knowledge, advises on organization, and promotes fast build times.

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Thanks for your Support! 

Thanks to supporters like Євген Грицай, Scott Munro, zturak, pek, Emil Hannesbo, and Joe Hill this newsletter is provided to you for (ad) free. If you'd like to also show your support and help out, you can donate on the Patreon page. It's not necessary, but it lets me know that I'm doing a good job and that you're finding value in the content.
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Link Clicks Clicks % Unique Clicks Unique Clicks %
Exploring fff part 1 - main 80 28.47% 73 29.08
Using the Platform 94 33.45% 82 32.67
One Hundred Thousand Lines of Rust 107 38.08% 96 38.25


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