On Variance and Extensibility

On using PSR abstractions

Issue #82


A Byte of Coding Issue #82
I was thinking about having a bonus issue sometime this month (probably on a Friday) where the articles are curated and summaries are written by the community. Would anyone be interested in participating in that? Who knows, you might be better than me heh. Anyway you can reply to this email, or join the Discord server and send me a message there, or hit me up on twitter! I'm not even going to bother linking the Medium account, because it's going to be a sparse wasteland until I work up the energy to channel my inner design monkey spirit. Anyway, here's that issue.

Reflective Towers of Interpreters

Published: 12 August 2021
Tags: reflection

You know I like to tout the mantra of "finding inspiration in unexpected places" for this newsletter, but there's a second, equally important and catchy one, "learn stuff". Jokes aside, I was recently looking into Common Lisp and was perplexed as to how it could have an IDE where you could actually code in and explore the environment when it throws an error. Well then I stumbled upon this interesting article by Nada Amin, that dives into the world of multi-leveled meta programming with three distinct examples.

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On Variance and Extensibility

Published: 29 August 2021
Tags: philosophy

When I write code for any nontrivial system, it feels like I'm on tightrope for each new feature, balancing how long something takes and the extendability of the result. At the same time, there's a blindfolded user at the end, precariously swinging a cutlass around the connection to the platform, potentially cutting the feature at any moment. Well this article by Steven Wittens won't help you with that existential crisis, but he does analyze what makes a system extensible, using birds.

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On using PSR abstractions

Published: 19 August 2021
Tags: php

The PHP Framework Interop Group (PHP-FIG) is a group of established PHP projects whose goal is to talk about commonalities between their projects and find ways they can work better together. A few years ago, they started releasing PHP Standard Recommendations (PSRs). Matthias Noback's article explores the relationships between PSRs and their implementations, tackling questions like "Is it safe to depend on PSR abstraction packages?" and "Should a project have its own wrappers for PSR abstractions?".

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