Making Reasonable Use of Computer Resources: Part 2

Article 2

Async overloading

Issue #81


A Byte of Coding Issue #81
So I recently found out that ARM China went rogue. Pretty fucking wild. I can't say I'm super surprised to be honest. China does things a little bit different. Ruthlessness in business isn't really frowned upon, according to my personal experiences and plenty of additional anecdotes from friends. It's kind of funny, because on the other hand, humility at any compliment is a social norm. What do I mean by that? Well I can't recall a single time when I complimented someone and they didn't insistently refute it or deprecate themselves.
Well anyway, got a little sidetracked there. Here's that issue.

Making Reasonable Use of Computer Resources: Part 2

Published: 28 August 2021
Tags: optimization, bash, rust

As you sit at your desk, scratching your head thinking about how you could shave a few seconds off of the function you just wrote, you hear a faint whisper in the wind, "premature optimization is the root of all evil". Well if your function takes days to run, it's definitely not premature. In this short article, the author describes the steps taken to optimize a JSON parsing script that originally took "more than a day to run", down to about 15 minutes using some clever shortcuts.

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Article 2

Published: 29 August 2021
Tags: clojure, haskell, scala

Learning to treat code as data was one of the reasons one my earlier mentors suggested I learn Clojure, and after I started, I had several realizations about how I could modularize the code I wrote to make it more flexibile and pleasant to maintain. In this example-filled article, Gary Verhaegen explores how data driven API design is implemente in Clojure, Haskell, and Scala using a CLI parsing program.

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Async overloading

Published: 24 August 2021
Tags: rust, swift

Another article along the lines of APIs, this time Yoshua Wuyts explores how async operations are handled in different languages, as inspiration for coming up with a standard for Rust. Yoshua uses the recent Swift async overaloading amendment as a template for a similar implementation in Rust, and concluding with a number of caveats.

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Making Reasonable Use of Computer Resources: Part 2 126 48.84% 102 47.22
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Async overloading 49 18.99% 46 21.30


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