Published: 1 August 2021 Tags: h4x0r
The first article of two about running stuff where it wasn't mean to be running, in this article Neil Bostian describes the five year journey it took to get DOOM running on a Polycom VXX600 telephone. Why? Because he could.
Published: 25 August 2021 Tags: c
This has been around for a bit, but thought it was still worth putting in here. You ever wanted to run Linux in VR chat? Like have it running right there in front of your eyes in your GPU? No? We'll you're clearly not a dreamer like Stefan. In this informative article, Stefan goes through the ins and outs of what it took to get CPU emulator with Linux running in VR chat.
Published: 26 June 2021 Tags: shell
I wanted to get a third article related to running something where it wasn't mean to run, but nothing promising came up in my searches. This book-esque article by Dave Kerr has everything shell related, from a typical introduction, to more complicated concepts like scripting and managing your toolkit.