Abstract Clojure

Faulty Logic

A prioritised micro-batch scheduler in rust

Issue #133



Hello? It's me.
It's Tuesday! That means, another issue.
PS. I'm thinking about writing a fairly in depth paid course on full stack web engineering for software engineers who are new to web development. It would be based on using Svelte and the top tools in its ecosystem. Basically I'd be writing it from the perspective of you have some experience with code and you want to build a web application as a hobby project or a side gig, but you don't want to waste hours of your valuable free time trying to figure out what the best tools/practices are. Right now I think the example project would basically be to build a fully functioning SaaS website with user auth + payment + customer support features. Would anyone be interested in that? Don't worry, I'll keep fairly separate from this newsletter. Just trying to figure out if there's even any demand for something like this.


Abstract Clojure

Published: 25 November 2021
Tags: clojure

A lot of the decisions you make in programming can be broken down into is the abstraction easier to maintain than reality? Depending on what your answer is, that's the option you should go with. Alex King's article demonstrates how your code can become more modular through abstractions, implemented in Clojure.


Faulty Logic

Published: 24 November 2021
Tags: css

CSS has undergone huge changes in the past couple of years, with the introduction of attributes like flexbox and grid. Unfortunately, we're still in the transition period where not all of the parts of CSS support the same syntax that is used by these new features. In this very concise article, Jeremy Keith reviews some of the areas that still don't support logical properties and require directional ones instead.


A prioritised micro-batch scheduler in rust

Published: 25 November 2021
Tags: rust

How do you solve an issue where real-time calculations are holding up access to your database? In this article, Mike Bush discusses how he was able to resolve it at his company by building a micro-batching scheduler library in Rust.

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Stats (updated daily)

Sent: 2569

Opens: 1254

Clicks: 268

Link Clicks Clicks % Unique Clicks Unique Clicks %
Abstract Clojure 70 27.45% 65 27.66
Faulty Logic 79 30.98% 74 31.49
A prioritised micro-batch scheduler in rust 106 41.57% 96 40.85


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