Published: 6 June 2021 Tags: os
What would an operating system of the future look like? How has the way we used computers changed since operating systems were first introduced? In this extensive article, Alexander Obenauer discusses on a higher-level the implementation and theoretical use of a modern operating system that doesn't separate applications into their own separate environments, but instead allows for them to share and mingle with another at the user's discretion.
Published: 30 September 2021 Tags: java
You might think yourself above a simple "Hello world" example written in Java, but do you really understand every single part of the program? In this concise article, Metin Özyıldırım picks apart the titular program, explaining the .class file format, diassembling, interpreting the bytecode, and the Java native interface and system calls.
Published: 30 January 2021 Tags: lisp
Yep, another article about Lisp. What can I say, it's a fascinating family of languages that I think most people who write code should at least take a shot at learning. Anurag Mendhekar's lengthy article presents some of the advantageous of using/learning a Lisp language; specifically that it's lambda calculus based, call-by-value oriented, mostly functional, dynmically typed, and s-expression based.