IoT Hacking and Rickrolling My High School District

How cross signing works with X509 certificates

Interface ergonomics: automation isn't just about time saved

Issue #106



Sorry it's a little late today, was fixing some formatting issues that were brought to my attention by a reader yesterday. Where's an issue? Here's an issue!


IoT Hacking and Rickrolling My High School District

Published: 4 October 2021
Tags: security

I don't know if you ever messed with your school's computer system, but I doubt it was to this extent. In this article, the author describes how they and a group of people broke into their school district's network and commenced a mass Rick Rolling.

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How cross signing works with X509 certificates

Published: 30 September 2021
Tags: certificates

Software engineering is packed full of things that appear fairly complicated on the surface, but are pretty simple once you break it (on the other hand, there are a ton of things that appear simple, but are extremely complicated). In this conicse article, Ayende Rahien translates the ASN.1 format for certificates used in signing, then goes on to explain how the signing process itself works.

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Interface ergonomics: automation isn't just about time saved

Published: 12 OCtober 2021
Tags: cakelisp, philosophy

Although more philosophical in nature (it has code too though!), this article by Macoy Madson focuses on exploring an important question all programmers have to face; at what point should you automate a task? Macoy uses an example of having to keep the user interface responsive during a full system file scan to justify the use of macros with Cakelisp.

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Stats (updated daily)

Sent: 2173

Opens: 931

Clicks: 388

Link Clicks Clicks % Unique Clicks Unique Clicks %
IoT Hacking and Rickrolling My High School District 115 33.82% 87 32.34
How cross signing works with X509 certificates 106 31.18% 84 31.23
Interface ergonomics: automation isn't just about time saved 119 35.00% 98 36.43


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