Stop checking for NULL pointers!

Problem Solving

[OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 2: Using OpenGL to draw on Vulkan textures.

Issue #32


A Byte of Coding Issue #32
Here? There? Where? No, it's definitely here. Yes... right here. The issue is right here. Or is it?

Stop checking for NULL pointers!

Published: 8 November 2020
Tags: c

When working with a lower level language like C, it is easy to cause problems that might make your whole program or system crash. So intuitively, you'd think we'd want checks to make sure these problems don't occur in the code we right. However,  in this article, Elad Lahav discusses how checking for one of such cases is actually detrimental in that it might lead to a false sense of security.

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Problem Solving

Published: 28 October 2020

After you learn the basic principles of programming, improvement is really just a matter of becoming better at solving problems. Of course knowing more about the tools you can use to solve problems with is beneficial, your approach to actually figuring out how to solve the problem is equally, if not moreso important. In this informative article, Denver Smith illuminates the approach to solving a problem using a graph and Python.

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[OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 2: Using OpenGL to draw on Vulkan textures.

Published: 16 August 2020
gpu, c

As someone who has installed Arch Linux on two laptops that had two GPUs and did a deep dive over several months into machine learning on the GPU, I'm pretty familiar with the big GPU libraries. But I'll be the first to admit that my knowledge is limited to only a higher-level understanding. Fortunately, there are 10 part series like this one by Eleni Maria Stea that get down and dirty in the details of OpenGL and Vulkan. In this part of the series, Eleni demonstrates how "Vulkan/GL interoperability" can be achieved "where an image is allocated using Vulkan and filled using OpenGL".

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Stop checking for NULL pointers! 149 44.48% 118 42.75
Problem Solving 145 43.28% 123 44.57
[OpenGL and Vulkan Interoperability on Linux] Part 2: Using OpenGL to draw on Vulkan textures. 41 12.24% 35 12.68


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