Trade-offs of Using Compilers for Java

Ed25519 Deep Dive Addendum

When to use Bazel?

Issue #272




Some interesting links I stumbled on below.
Some good resources on learning Rusthere.
Lots of resilience engineering related content here.


Trade-offs of Using Compilers for Java

Published: 20 March 2020
Tags: java, compiler

Mark Stoodley is the project lead for the open source Java Virtual Machine project called Eclipse OpenJ9 and he gave a talk at a conference on the trade-offs of using different types of compilers for Java applications.
Some highlights:

  • JIT: good steady state performance, adaptable, and easy to use, but issues with start-up performance and with ramp-up performance
  • AOT: inverse of JIT in terms of what it's good and bad at
  • AOT/JIT < JIT + Caching < JIT Server


Ed25519 Deep Dive Addendum

Published: 11 September 2022
Tags: encryption

Cendyne elaborates on a previous post they made on the Ed25519 algorithm, specifically looking at the different validation criteria across implementations, researches "exclusive ownership", reviews a technical specification, discusses deterministic signatures, and finally how Ed25519's reference implementation promotes a misuse vulnerability widely promoted this year.


When to use Bazel?

Published: 13 September 2022
Tags: architecture, cicd

Adam Gordon Bell discusses Bazel, a build system created by Google, with a bunch of experts. The experts interviewed all have experience with migrating to Bazel and using it day-to-day. They discuss the pros and cons of the system, as well as the level of effort required for a successful migration.
Some highlights:

  • Bazel can solve large monorepo build problems very well, but it has a steep adoption curve
  • Using Bazel involves setting up build and cache servers and potentially requires getting a bit into the weeds of how the software you create is built, down at the compiler and file-system level
  • Bazel is ideal for a mono-repo with several million lines of code

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Link Clicks Clicks % Unique Clicks Unique Clicks %
Trade-offs of Using Compilers for Java 55 33.54% 63 35.59
Ed25519 Deep Dive Addendum 37 22.56% 37 20.90
When to use Bazel? 72 43.90% 77 43.50


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