How do Routers Work, Really?
Hacking Ethernet out of Fibre Channel cards
How CSS Perspective Works
Issue #2
A Byte of Coding Issue #2
A Byte of Coding Issue #2
Hello swashbuckling scallywags,
Got another issue for you today. I get a lot of articles in my feed from Lobsters and Hacker News, but I figure most of you guys frequent those places, so I try to pick articles from more obscure sources. I did cheat this time and picked one featured on Lobsters, because I thought it was interesting. How do you feel about that? Should I try to ignore articles from the usual suspects or do you not care as long as they're up to the standard I try to set here? Let me know.
How do Routers Work, Really?
30/08/20 - hardware
So you might not know, but I have a background in electrical engineering. Therefore, articles that get down and dirty into the details of electronics have a special place in my heart. As the title implies, in this article, Kamila Součková gets the elbow grease on in this deep dive into how routers truly work. From a high level overview that focuses on the life of a packet in the data plane to routing, ARP, and MAC tables, Kamila gives you an informative overview of what that dust covered box with blinking lights does and how.
Hacking Ethernet out of Fibre Channel cards
09/08/20 - hardware, go
Following along in the hardware motif, but this time focusing on network cards; the things that basically handle the internet in your computer, server, or laptop. We all use them, but have you ever tried to hack one? In this article. Ben Cox explains how he wrote a virtual device handler in Go, with a brief, but practical introduction to Small Computer Interface Standard protocols.
How CSS Perspective Works
09/09/20 - css
Ending on an unrelated to hardware note, with some plain ol' CSS tricks. Ever wonder how you can achieve that flip page effect on a website? No? Your loss. Amit Sheen's article is all about perspective in CSS. Amit gives a number of examples on how perspective can be combined with transform and translate to accomplish a variety of effects, like moving a square from side to side while flipping it around. It's some web-dev wild magic.
That's it for today, hope you have or had a fantastic day.
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How do Routers Work, Really?
Hacking Ethernet out of Fibre Channel cards
How CSS Perspective Works
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