Menu Reveal By Page Rotate Animation

Fault tolerance through optimal workload placement

Attacking the Qualcomm Adreno GPU

Issue #1


A Byte of Coding Issue #1
Hello party people,

So still working out some kinks with the template. I actually had a friend design it, but apparently I can't easily import it into Mailchimp, so have to redo it myself. Not a huge fan of that kind of work, so it's... getting there. For now I'll just be doing plain text emails like this.

Menu Reveal By Page Rotate Animation
08/09/20 - css, javascript
As a web dev, it pains me when I see the same thing website after website. The amount of tricks and interactivity available to designers, when it comes to web development, has exploded in recent years, and I love seeing novel ways of doing the same thing. In this article, Preethi shows us how she was able to bring some fun to the normally mundane menu nav bar with a neat little CSS trick and a "sprinkle" of JavaScript.

Fault tolerance through optimal workload placement
08/09/20 - infrastructure
In 2017, at one of Facebook's data centers, "a snake crawled into the power infrastructure and caused a short in a main switchboard power device, and took down 3 percent of the data center’s capacity". This ended up causing issues for a lot of users, primarily because those servers were handling a majority of the software services. In this extensive article, Aravind Narayanan, Elisa Shibley, and Mayank Pundir explain how Facebook handles physical server placement optimization, what they're doing to improve the rebalancing of work software wise, and how they tie in together to provide better fault tolerance.

Attacking the Qualcomm Adreno GPU
08/09/20 - android, gpu
GPUs are often used by programs to offload computation workloads. Although the efficiency gains of doing this are undebatable, it opens up a new surface of attack for malicious entities. Ben Hawkes has written a very informative and indepth article based on research in regards to vulnerabilities in Android relating to ringbuffer attacks through the GPU. Building on work by Guang Gong in 2019, Ben describes the Android attack surface, GPU basics, the driver code, and a timeline of patches released in response to the vulnerability.

That's it for today. If you have any comments, concerns, or just want to tell me how your day is going, feel free to reach out to me!


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Link Clicks Clicks % Unique Clicks Unique Clicks %
Menu Reveal By Page Rotate Animation 111 51.63% 92 51.98
Fault tolerance through optimal workload placement 70 32.56% 53 29.94
Attacking the Qualcomm Adreno GPU 34 15.81% 32 18.08

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