The Challenges of Fuzzing 5G Protocols

PlayStation 3 Architecture

New HTTP standards for caching on the modern web

Issue #111



Sorry today's issue is a bit late. Just returned home last night from extended traveling, and had logistical stuff to take care of (ie get food). Anyway, here's the last issue before the weekend! Have a good one.


The Challenges of Fuzzing 5G Protocols

Published: 11 October 2021
Tags: networking

5G has been touted as the next step in enabling modern technology, from self-driving cars to smart cities. In this article, the author explores the results of testing three separate fuzzers on three different 5G protocols, and highlights the implications of the results. Damn Daniel! Back at it again with the networking!

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PlayStation 3 Architecture

Published: 20 October 2021
Tags: hardware

This article is definitely much more hardware oriented. In it, Rodrigo Copetti breaks down a PS3, looking at the CPU, graphics, audio, I/O backwards compatibility, OS, games, and anti-piracy measures. "This writing encompasses ~6 years of research and development carried out by countless engineers", so be prepared for an education marathon.

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New HTTP standards for caching on the modern web

Published: 20 October 2021
Tags: http

Caching is a topic that's core to most areas of programming, from CPU to the web. Mostly because its center is just the idea of reducing the amount of work necessary, something most engineers can get behind. Tim Perry's article focuses on caching on the web via the HTTP protocol, first by looking at the benefits of caching, and then by diving into the new proposed HTTP features Cache-Status header and targeted Cache-control.

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Stats (updated daily)

Sent: 2329

Opens: 1004

Clicks: 384

Link Clicks Clicks % Unique Clicks Unique Clicks %
The Challenges of Fuzzing 5G Protocols 91 26.38% 77 24.68
PlayStation 3 Architecture 105 30.43% 95 30.45
New HTTP standards for caching on the modern web 149 43.19% 140 44.87


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