Articles on Lisp

Last updated: 2022/11/17

Top deep-dives on Lisp

Look Ma, No Data Structures!

Compiling a Lisp: If

Why I Still ‘Lisp’ (and You Should Too)

Yep, another article about Lisp. What can I say, it's a fascinating family of languages that I think most people who write code should at least take a shot at learning. Anurag Mendhekar's lengthy article presents some of the advantageous of using/learning a Lisp language; specifically that it's lambda calculus based, call-by-value oriented, mostly functional, dynmically typed, and s-expression based.

Let’s Build a Quasiquoter

Data as code is a common theme in Lisp languages, and is in general a good idea to wrap your head around. Veit Heller's article focuses on implementing quasi-quoting, which marks the part of the code that should be considered dynamic.

The one about Lisp interactivity

Michael Fogus explores the development process for a Lisp as compared to Java.
Some highlights:

  • Developing with a Lisp feels more like collaborating with the programming language, as opposed to ordering it around
  • One of the advantages of developing with a Lisp is being able to interact with your program as it's running
  • Lisps encourage continuous development cycles

Building a Neural Network in Pure Lisp without Built-in Numbers using only Atoms and Lists

"SectorLISP is an amazing project where a fully functional Lisp interpreter is fit into the 512 bytes of the boot sector of a floppy disk". Hikaru Ikuta's article outlines how you can use SectorLISP to implement a neural network used to identify numbers from 8-bit pictures.

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