Should the browser use all available memory?

Let's write a compiler, part 1: Introduction, selecting a language, and doing some planning

Structuring Authorization Architecture

Issue #75


A Byte of Coding Issue #75
Well, this concludes the first week back for the newsletter. I hope you all have a lovely weekend. If you have anything you want to share with me, feel free to reach out to alex at

Should the browser use all available memory?

Published: 12 August 2021
Tags: memory

How does one manage available memory on a computer? Should applications try to use all available memory? Or just what they need? Julio Merino tackles this issue, using Chrome as an example. Julio gives a refresher on memory paging, mentions file caching with swap, and finally concludes with an example of how Android handles the issue.

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Let's write a compiler, part 1: Introduction, selecting a language, and doing some planning

Published: 14 August 2021
Tags: c, compilers

Want to write your own compiler? Well I bet Brian Robert Callahan's seroes can help. In this first part, Brian sets out the specifications for what the compiler is going to be able to do, what language to implement it in, and lays out a couple of diagrams for the overall process flow for the compiler.

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Structuring Authorization Architecture

Published: 12 August 2021
Tags: auth, python

Authorization can be an intimidating part of a system to setup. You don't want to mess it up, since your users are depending on you for it to work correctly and keep their details secure. In this series of articles, the author goes through the important steps of architecting an authorization system, focusing on the design aspect over actual implementation.

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Clicks: 347

Link Clicks Clicks % Unique Clicks Unique Clicks %
Should the browser use all available memory? 92 27.14% 81 28.83
Let's write a compiler, part 1: Introduction, selecting a language, and doing some planning 95 28.02% 76 27.05
Structuring Authorization Architecture 152 44.84% 124 44.13


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