ARM Cortex-M33 Instruction Tracing Without a Debugger

Why I rewrote my open source virtual reality server

We rendered a million web pages to find out what makes the web slow

Issue #51


A Byte of Coding Issue #51
Merry Christmas to you everyone who celebrates it on the 24th (mostly Scandinavia I think). I know that a lot of people don't even celebrate Christmas, and personally I celebrate it January 7th, but since I know the date I figured I'd mention it. I'd love to hear what other holidays you celebrate at this time of year, so write me an email and let me know. Also my apologies for missing the issue yesterday. I thought I was getting sick and wanted to rest, but it's actually some sort of allergic reaction to something in my room, and I have no idea what it is. Oh well. I sent a message in the Discord server but refrained from sending an email because it seems unnecessary and spammy. Just join the server if you want updates in the future or to chat. Anyway, here's the issue.

ARM Cortex-M33 Instruction Tracing Without a Debugger

Published: 23 December 2020
Tags: c, embedded systems

Debugging processors can be a pain, because more of than not, you'll need additional hardware just to get the debugging info from the processor. But that's not always the case. In this article, Chris Coleman demonstrates how a Micro Trace Buffer driver can be written for some modern ARM processors, allowing you to capture and analyze debug dumps with a Python script.

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Why I rewrote my open source virtual reality server

Published: 24 December 2020
Tags: javascript, java

Virtual Reality has been growing in popularity over the past couple of years and for good reason; the hardware is becoming more practical and accessible. Unfortunately, the open source space for VR is pretty limited, with big companies vying for control of the space and your data. Josip Almasi describes his privacy (and practicality) based motivations for creating an open source virtual reality server, while also outline some of the resources used and design approach.

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We rendered a million web pages to find out what makes the web slow

Published: 23 December 2020
Tags: javascript, research

If you're planning on making anything on the web for commerical purposes, it's likely that SEO will be a chunk of your marketing strategy. Well an important aspect of SEO is how fast your website loads. This article shows some research that has been done on what is affecting the loading times for some of the most popular websites on the web. Although some of the data isn't meaningful, there are still some interesting knowledge nuggets to glean.

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Link Clicks Clicks % Unique Clicks Unique Clicks %
ARM Cortex-M33 Instruction Tracing Without a Debugger 55 18.15% 45 18.37
Why I rewrote my open source virtual reality server 82 27.06% 58 23.67
We rendered a million web pages to find out what makes the web slow 166 54.79% 142 57.96


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