Writing a custom iterator in modern C++

What happens when...

Commits are snapshots, not diffs

Issue #49


A Byte of Coding Issue #49
Moved about 7 hours back in time (time zone magic), so issues will probably come out at a different time than before.

Writing a custom iterator in modern C++

Published: 19 December 2020
Tags: cpp

Iterators are those lovely things that act as the backboone for many wonderful programming tools (mapping, data structure navigation, etc). But how do you go about implementing your own? Although this article is a bit of a tutorial, the author does an excellent job of explaining the design choices and individual steps in the process.

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What happens when...

Published: 15 January 2020
Tags: networking

Apparently asking what happens when you open a page in your browser is a popular interview questions for developers. I didn't know that, and this article by a number of authors/contributors (exactly 69 gigiddy gigiddy) spares no details in answering the question, from the first keystroke to the last render.

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Commits are snapshots, not diffs

Published: 17 December 2020
Tags: git

Some people love, some people hate, most about everyone uses it. That's right, I'm talking about money. No, just kidding, it's git. And in this extensive article, Derrick Stolee takes it apart and shows us all of git's bits and pieces, from the basic of using hash ids for commits to how renames are tracked.

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Clicks: 542

Link Clicks Clicks % Unique Clicks Unique Clicks %
Writing a custom iterator in modern C++ 104 19.85% 89 20.70
What happens when... 238 45.42% 193 44.88
Commits are snapshots, not diffs 182 34.73% 148 34.42


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