Nvidia Ampere vs. AMD RDNA 2: Battle of the Architectures

The Subtle Hazards of Real-World Cryptography

Command Line Interface Guidelines

Issue #43


A Byte of Coding Issue #43
Someone recommended I add comments to the abyteofcoding.com website, so people can discuss issues and the articles in them, potentially leading to the formation of a community, like how mushrooms grow in clumps together on rotten logs. I'd obviously like to do that as hassle free as possible, both for you and me, so I'd love to hear your opinions on some choices. OAuth (what account?), custom user system (with just username and password), or anonymous? What would you guys prefer? For now I've just setup a Discord if you want to hang out there: https://discord.gg/jcuVj6gVmD

Here's the issue.

Nvidia Ampere vs. AMD RDNA 2: Battle of the Architectures

Published: 6 December 2020
Tags: gpu, hardware

I can understand that not everyone is a huge hardware nerd, and that's fine. But if you're spending a lot of time on your computer, and especially if you're doing it professionally, you definitely should have more than just a cursory understanding of its components. In this extensive article, Nick Evanson compares the two GPUs from two massive GPU manufacturers, Nvidia and AMD. Nick does a good job of getting down to the facts and cutting out the marketing BS.

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The Subtle Hazards of Real-World Cryptography

Published: 27 November 2020
Tags: php, encryption

As a developer, you usually have to make the sacrifice of not fully understanding how something you use works. Be it a library, algorithm, or some other technique like cryptography. In this enlightening article written by the furry Soatok, we get to see an example of how not fully understanding the encryption used for securing passwords in a PHP system could allow a malicious user to login as any user.

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Command Line Interface Guidelines

Published: 1 December 2020
Tags: design, cli

Command line interfaces are probably among the oldest pieces of software that have been available for users on computers. After taking the plunge and switching to Arch as my first Linux distro, I've come to prefer the command line to GUI for most tasks, and CLI programs have a special place in my heart now. In this design document, Aanand Prasad, Ben Firshman, Carl Tashian, and Eva Parish layout a number of design principles and examples to follow when it comes to designing programs that require user interaction in the CLI.

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Link Clicks Clicks % Unique Clicks Unique Clicks %
Nvidia Ampere vs. AMD RDNA 2: Battle of the Architectures 112 26.73% 94 26.78
The Subtle Hazards of Real-World Cryptography 123 29.36% 113 32.19
Command Line Interface Guidelines 184 43.91% 144 41.03


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