Pi from High School Maths

Text layout is a loose hierarchy of segmentation

Semantic requirements in concepts

Issue #25


A Byte of Coding Issue #25
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Pi from High School Maths

Published: 26 October 2020
Tags: math

I wonder what there are more of, uses for π or ways of calculating it? Regardless, there's quite a few of both. In this article, Simon Arneaud discloses a way of calculating π that I've personally never seen before. Simon also shows an intuitive geometric way for understanding the calculation, and a higher level proof Archimedes wrote for calculating the area of a circle without calculus.

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Text layout is a loose hierarchy of segmentation

Published: 26 October 2020
Tags: text, layout engines

As programmers, text is a large part of your everyday life. But how many times have you stopped to think about how it's laid out and handled by all the software you use? In this extensive article, Raph Levien explores all of the parts that make up text hierarchy in a text layout engine, including paragraph segmentation, rich text style, bidirectional analysis, itemization, script, shaping, line breaking, and plenty of implementations to look at ranging from Android to Pango.

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Semantic requirements in concepts

Published: 26 October 2020

Generic programming (GP) is a style of computer programming in which algorithms are written in terms of types to-be-specified-later that are then instantiated when needed for specific types provided as parameters. In GP, a concept is a description of supported operations on a type, including syntax and semantics. Andrzej Krzemieński (try to say that name right the first time) has written an article that focuses on concepts in C++, a somewhat related but not truly one-to-one feature, and how an inexpressible part of the feature might occasionally break it. 

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Pi from High School Maths 88 42.11% 73 41.24
Text layout is a loose hierarchy of segmentation 71 33.97% 60 33.90
Semantic requirements in concepts 50 23.92% 44 24.86


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