The Single-Valued Type Pattern for TypeScript

Understanding operational 5G: a first measurement study on its coverage, performance and energy consumption

Reading and writing, part 2: files and databases

Issue #15


A Byte of Coding Issue #15
I lied and didn't put out an extra issue on Friday. Woops, my bad. It was my last weekend in the UK though, and I wanted to see some friends before leaving, so I kind of forgot about it. Oh well. Guess what? Here's the issue.

The Single-Valued Type Pattern for TypeScript

Published: 5 October 2020

Web development gets pretty repetitive. But it's not that nice kind of repetitive which can be solved with big copies and pastes, because normally you'll have to change the naming of all of the variables and  functions so that someone in the future will be able to understand what's actually happening. At that point, it feels easier to just rewrite the code from scratch. Luckily Drew Colthorp has shared a useful pattern in regards to how "how [they] deal with cases where [they] want flexible, composable APIs for dealing with statically-known concerns about an application". They being Atomic.

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Understanding operational 5G: a first measurement study on its coverage, performance and energy consumption

Published: 5 October 2020
Tags: 5g, wireless

5G networks have been in the news a lot, and surprisingly, mostly for bad things (5G giving people COVID, Chinese 5G networks spying on people). Unfortunately, it seems that the promises made by companies about the potential of 5G are yet to be seen in practical use cases. Adrian Colyer has written an informative article that dissects a research paper that looked in the real data behind 5G performance. Adrian highlights the important points, and presents the data in an easy-to-understand manner.

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Reading and writing, part 2: files and databases

Published: 5 October 2020
Tags: rust, ruby

Working with databases can be tricky business. When it comes to SQL, you'll often have to use transactions for complicated queries, because they might consist of multiple queries, business logic, and then updates or inserts, which require all the data for that transaction to be unchanged (ie not have some other update query change the value of something before the transaction is finished). In this extensive article, James Coglan demonstrates how reading and writing to a database record can be handled to reduce these kinds of issues,  and some solutions for allowing limited database access when data is being worked on.

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Link Clicks Clicks % Unique Clicks Unique Clicks %
The Single-Valued Type Pattern for TypeScript 68 37.16% 60 37.97
Understanding operational 5G: a first measurement study on its coverage, performance and energy consumption 54 29.51% 50 31.65
Reading and writing, part 2: files and databases 61 33.33% 48 30.38


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