Making a Game in Janet, Part 1: Psst, hey kid, wanna try some Janet?

Are Dockerfiles good enough?

Polymorphism without objects via multimethods

Issue #100


A Byte of Coding Issue #100
Howdy hoo!
Whoa 100th issue today, pretty cool milestone. Thanks for all being here :) Unrelated I was tryin to switch to using Amazon SES over the weekend to send out issues of the newsletter, but they declined my application to get out of the sandbox without providing any justification. Kind of a bummer. In the off chance that someone uses or works for Amazon SES and has some advice or wants to help, feel free to reach out to me. Anyway, here's the issue.

Making a Game in Janet, Part 1: Psst, hey kid, wanna try some Janet?

Published: 2 October 2021
Tags: janet

Janet is a "simple dynamically typed interpreted language with garbage collection and Clojure-like syntax". In this extensive article, Ian Henry explores the ecosystem and begins working on implementing a 2D ray tracer.

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Are Dockerfiles good enough?

Published: 10 September 2021
Tags: docker

Containers are widely used throughout programming. But are they really an improvement over past technologies? Mathew Duggan's ranty flavored (not unjustifiably so) article outlines developments in the tools used by operation teams and highlights some of the historical failures we're once again reliving; this time with containers.

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Polymorphism without objects via multimethods

Published: 3 October 2021
Tags: javascript

If you write code, you're definitely vaguely familiar with OOP, and probably at some point debated FP vs OOP vs DOP (data-oriented). Well in this article, Yehonathan Sharvit explores how concept very central to OOP can be reimplemented using a functional/data-oriented approach. Is it really an improvement on the OOP implementation? YOU DECIDE!

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Link Clicks Clicks % Unique Clicks Unique Clicks %
Making a Game in Janet, Part 1: Psst, hey kid, wanna try some Janet? 104 17.96% 87 18.35
Are Dockerfiles good enough? 290 50.09% 223 47.05
Polymorphism without objects via multimethods 185 31.95% 164 34.60


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