JavaScript Visualized: Event Loop

Dynamic Exception Reporting in Haskell

Adventure game graphics with DALL-E 2

Issue #262



How you doin? ^^
Saw someone today post a link to a new Clojure dialect hosted on the LLVM called jank. Looks pretty cool, even though in reality it's nowhere near being complete (or even usable atm).
In other news, I've been thinking a lot about this newsletter. The two week break I took was really nice and coming back I realized that I'm feeling that I've outgrown it. Reading and curating articles from all across software engineering has gotten me to where I am, but now I feel like the next step is to focus more on building things and writing about it, both for myself and for a larger audience. Luckily I've looked through tens of thousands of articles up to this point, so I have a good idea of the level of quality expected by our community. I also feel an obligation to carry on the high standard of content I've been exposed to for the sake of the software engineering community as a whole.
I've also been talking to some people about getting into doing some marketing consulting for companies looking to market to developers (this will not impact or be tied to the newsletter at all). I've got plenty of experience doing it. On top of that, I'm a developer myself, a decent writer, and have grown this newsletter 500% over the past year two years using a variety of strategies and tactics at a cost of $0. Don't take that as me bragging; it's just the facts. If you think your company might be interested in hiring me for some consulting, let me know.
Anyway, I didn't mean to make this sound like a good bye, it's really not. I just wanted to share my thoughts and feelings with you, so that IF I do decide to pivot into something else, it's not a huge surprise. For now, everything will continue as normal (I'm definitely doing the marketing consulting though).
With all of that off my chest, here's the issue!


JavaScript Visualized: Event Loop

Published: 20 November 2019
Tags: javascript

Old, but still very relevant and very cool. Lydia Hallie's series focuses on making complicated JavaScript features into easy to understand visualizations.


Dynamic Exception Reporting in Haskell

Published: 16 August 2022
Tags: haskell

Matt Parsons presents his package for "robust exception reporting and diagnosing facilities" in Haskell, while giving insight into how exceptions work.


Adventure game graphics with DALL-E 2

Published: 16 August 2022
Tags: ai, games, graphics

Hans Petter Jansson walks through abusing OpenAI's DALL-E 2 to generate images for a point-and-click adventure game.

How did I do?

1 2 3 4 5


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Stats (updated daily)

Sent: 2953

Opens: 1375

Clicks: 485

Link Clicks Clicks % Unique Clicks Unique Clicks %
JavaScript Visualized: Event Loop 177 51.45% 191 51.90
Dynamic Exception Reporting in Haskell 37 10.76% 38 10.33
Adventure game graphics with DALL-E 2 130 37.79% 139 37.77


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